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an exagerated illo of your humble art navigator

Quie'n es Sabalo?
RE-Born Shadrick Wright September twentysixth
nineteen hundred and seventysix. Originally born
an estimated 5500 to 6500 years ago. Sabalo has
seen many suns rise and many empires fall.
It's all apart of the balance I guess. 

Que' es Sabalo?
Sabalo is an ex-military brat who has become an eccentric old fool in his youth. Sabalo is, a traveler on several plains of existance. Sabalo is, one of many of the wisers of our universe, at the beginning of his long path into infinity. Sabalo is, a history junkie, a SciFi geek, a comic book artist hopeful, an anthro-paleontologist wanna' be, a Ufologist, an on again off again graff artist, a one man band, a one man armada. Sabalo is, THE BALANCE. Sabalo is, anything he wants to be so long as he's willing to work hard for it.

Do'nde esta'?
Sabalo is, everywhere and nowhere at once. Sabalo is currently taking host in the body of Shadrick Wright in his temporary global position of Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America, North America, Planet Earth. Where Sabalo will be in the future only the future can be certain, for the future holds all the answers. Or does it?

Por que' Sabalo es?
Sabalo is, to teach the present to save the future, to love, to live, to be oneself with no regret and being uninhibited. Sabalo is, to learn about the present by digging through the past. Sabalo is, to maintain the balance in the pocket universe we call our modern society. Sabalo is, to experiance joy, pain, redemption, consumption, love, hate, expansion, gain, loss, light, dark, good and evil. All that is, is all that will be. Hell, I dunno'. Truth be told none of us know why we're here. Some of us get a calling. Faint, but a calling. Others go through life not carring, while others seem to care too much. (there is such a thing) I'm here, to tell you my stories and in the process teach you a little about what makes Sabalo tick. 


Mis  Favoritos

Pasatiempos?: Creating comics (I guess.), I skate(long board)<or used to>, make my own music using a series of console projected music platforms, sculpt, do photography (black and white mostly), I study: Anthropology, Paleontology, Archeology, Mythology, Theology, & Ufology. (all from an novice stand point.)<but I think I know alot.>
Artistas?: Paul Pope, Art Adams, Mike Mignolia, Evan Dorkin, Masimillano Frezzatto, Shirow Masamune (a demi-god to me when I was in junior high)<that was a long time ago for you youngsters. back when Eclipse used to publish his imported material.), Chester Brown, Bill Waterson, Stan Sakai, Brom, Simon Bisley, Mark Ryden, Tim Biskup, Dave Cooper, Doug Tenapel, Pete Fowler, Eric So....and some others that I won't write as not to bore you any furher.
Mu'sica?: underground hip hop instrumentals (only!, I have lost my taste for lyrical content) Ska, Punk, Classical Orchestra, Jazz, Blues, what is known as Acid jazz and/or Trip Hop (but what I think of as the natural <unexcepted> evolution of Hip Hop.) (Hip hop is the beat. RAP is the lyric. Therefore hip hop is instrumental) and anyting that is composed and executed by me and or my fellow console cowboys. (i.e. My friends) Here is a list of my current  listenings.
Alimento?: Seeing as how I am Vegan (that means I do not consume meat, dairy, eggs, honey, or anything made with the by-products of the forementioned listed.) I find that it would be impossible to list ALL of the many foods that I can consume that come NATURALLY from the planet. (there are alot, non-believer.)  

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