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The Legend of H.B. Shojin is a story that takes place in the distant future, on a planet beyond our known galaxy. A planet called Eviden. Eviden is a world torn by a war that has spanned much of its recorded history. The Royal Armada of the Uinted Kingdoms (a world wide military establishment), is at a climactic point against the Kingdom of Dumishtu, and its armed forces the Hamaishtu, for future control of the kingdoms. At the present, two kindoms have already fallen under the power of the Dumishtu. But the world is divided on more than one plain of exsistence. Through time many of the inhabittants of the planet have been found to posses the ability to use more than the proposed five to ten percent of the mind. These people are called Denye, those who have the ability to hear the language of nature, and through practice have learned to manipulate the forces there of.
This story takes place in the lives of 2 young Denye students and thier friend who have abandoned thier school of teachings. Those who do so, are known as Shojin. A heretically prejudice term used by "normal" society. The Okedenye school of Denyeism, was sequestered by the Royal Armada in order to raise a military branch of Armada Denye. Unfortunately for these 3 Shojin the practice of Denye in public domain has been outlawed, and the punishment for this act..death. But dispite this setback, they persist to explore their ancient heritage, cultures, & history putting together the pieces of what will become a massive puzzle.